Traditional and emerging techniques for extraction, identification, and quantification of antioxidant phenolic compounds from plant matrices
Antioxidant phenolic compounds have attracted increasing interest from various industrial sectors and the population due to their multifaceted technological applications and biological properties. However, the stability and recovery of phenolic compounds can be affected by several factors during their extraction. Thus, the choice of extraction technology and conditions are fundamental steps in the recovery and purification of phenolic compounds for identification, quantification, and application. Therefore, the objectives of this minicourse are:
1) present traditional and emerging techniques used in the extraction of antioxidant phenolic compounds;
2) present experimental designs useful to predict the behavior of variables during the extraction process of antioxidantphenolic compounds;
3) present the main traditional and emerging techniques used to identify and/or quantify antioxidant phenolic compounds present in plant matrices;
4) demonstrate experimentally, through bench assays, how different extraction techniques can affect the quantification of antioxidant phenolic compounds from the same plant matrix.
Other important information
Date: November 08, 2022
- 8 am to 12 pm (3 hours of class + 1 hour for Q&A)
- 2 pm to 6 pm (4 trial hours)
- (4 theoretical hours + 4 practical hours)
Place: School of Food Engineering, Department of Food Science and Nutrition – FEA/UNICAMP
Limited vacancies
Investment: R$500,00 BRL
Registration for the mini-course available until October 31, 2022.
• Only participants with confirmed registration at ICBC can register for the Pre-Congress course.
• The vacancy on the Pre-Congress course will be guaranteed only after the fee payment confirmation.
Speaker: Henrique Silvado Arruda

Henrique Silvano Arruda is a Food Scientist graduated from the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) (2012).Master (2015) and Doctor (2019) in Food Science from the School of Food Engineering at the State University of Campinas (FEA-UNICAMP).He is currently a postdoctoral researcherfor thePrograma Nacional de Pós-Doutorado/Capes (PNPD/CAPES) at the School of Food Engineering at the State University of Campinas (FEA-UNICAMP) (2019-current). In 2006 and 2008, he was recognized with two awards at the Olimpíadas Brasileiras de Matemática das Escolas Públicas. Henrique was also awarded an academic award in 2013 (Medalha de Ouro Presidente Bernardes 2013). He has published 49 scientific papers in specialized journals, 4 book chapters, 1 book, and 35 scientific works in annals of events as a result of academic research activities of interaction with several collaborators in co-authorship. Henrique co-supervised 1 Course Conclusion Work at the Federal University of Viçosa and 1 Scientific Initiation Project at FEA-UNICAMP. He is currently co-supervising 2 doctoral theses and 1 master’s dissertation and working as a collaborating professor in graduateand undergraduate disciplines at FEA-UNICAMP. Henrique is a reviewer of the main international journals related to his area of research and scientific work. He works in the area of Food Science and Technology, with an emphasis on food science, developing research with native Brazilian Cerrado fruits with a focus on the extraction and determination of bioactive compounds (mainly phenolic compounds and prebiotic carbohydrates), as well as the development of new products. He has extensive experience in the areas of food analysis and bioactive components (mainly UHPLC-DAD-MS/MS, HPAEC-PAD, and spectrophotometric/fluorimetric analyses), development and validation of analytical methods, and extraction of compounds of interest (antioxidants and prebiotics). In addition, he has experience in new product development, evaluation of functional properties of food products/components, and experimental designs.